Cat Behavior

Cats are weird aren’t they?  Ever wonder why your pet cat behaves they way they do?  Does your cat exhibit the common cat behavior problems? Here you will learn all about why your cat does those funny things.   We explain the common cat behavior problems.  We explore why cats act the way they do.    How do I keep my cat from scratching my door all night?  Is your cat constantly demanding your attention? How do you keep your cat out of your room? Now that you understand why your cat is acting the way they are, learn what you can do it so your cat and you can be happy.

cat scracthing a carcass of wooden furniture

Why do cats scratch and what it means for your sofa

Why do cats scratch? At a first glance, this looks like a question, but we all know too well that it’s more a cry of despair. “Oh, why!? Why does my cat scratch? Why can’t he be normal and not destroy my sofa, carpet, doors, table legs and other pieces of furniture – especially the new and expensive ones?!” In this article, let’s delve deeper into the question of why cats need to scratch, what that means for cats living in a household environment, and whether there is any way to help your cat meet the need to scratch while simultaneously retaining the quality of your furniture.

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Old ginger cat lying on the desk with on old book near spectacles

Seven tips for owners of older cats

Do you have an older cat in your household? Thanks to advances in veterinary medicine, a 15+ year-old cat is no longer a rarity. That being said, cats can be considered seniors as early as seven years of age; in fact, wild cats rarely live that long. The result is that a cat may spend more than half of his lifetime as a senior, and there are a few things to keep in mind when you share a home with a senior cat

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cat sitting in a small amazon cardboard box

Why do cats love boxes and tight places so much?

Not all cats like boxes. In fact, only two of our three cats like boxes; the third one is ecstatic about them! He would sit in a box of any size. In addition to large boxes, he also dives into the smallest boxes he can squeeze a few parts of his body into, or he may sit “inside” a box cover with sides only a couple inches tall. But what is about boxes that draws cats to them? Let’s find out.

Why do cats love boxes and tight places so much? Read More »

cat eating cucumber treat during trianing

What treats to use in cat training

The largest motivation in animal training, no doubt, is food. Food rewards have achieved seemingly impossible results—teaching pigeons to play table tennis, crows to pick locks using tools, and cats to come when called. In this article, you are going to learn about the best treats to use for cat training and several tips to make it more successful.

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an aggressive cat receiving drug injection

How to Calm an Aggressive Cat

Cat aggression is a serious issue. Not only because it can cause injuries to other cats, pets, or people, but because it isn’t always easy to solve. Relationships in a cat household are complicated and finding the right key to ensure peace is a long process which requires dedication. In many cases, aggression may be so severe that no significant progress can be achieved without using medication. But is sedating an aggressive cat a golden key to all your problems?

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cat sitting

How to easily train a cat to sit

Training cats is not only fun and a thing to amaze, it also provides them with mental and physical activity–something that indoor cats cannot take for granted. In this article you will learn how to train a cat to sit on command, a trick that is easy to train a dog to do but which can be demanding for a cat. But it is possible, and the end result is satisfying.

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